Add Me please I know 1st hand this is TRUE it burned my skin and I NEVER used their products again. This recall is being conducted with the knowledge of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. I have used these for a long time and had to switch recently because they do burn. I was tested for allergies with no definitive result. My eyes burn from the product. I was not sure what was causing the problem. I thought it was the power in them that was helpingbut they ended up causing burning and stinging eyes. Oh my gosh! Consumers should contact their physician or healthcare provider if they have any questions, concerns or have experienced any problems related to using these aerosol sunscreen products. Yes, please add me. My eye looked like I had a bad rash around it also along with burning and lasted for a few weeks. I want to be compensated for this and not with just $2-$3. Top Class Actions is a legal news source Sign up for our daily send to get the latest beauty news and product launches. Neutragena WAS a brand I could trust, but not any longer. your claim status, claim form or questions about when payments are The wipes do causing burning and skin irritation. Add me also I have 4 containers unopened afraid to use them. Please add me, I thought it was just a reaction with my complexion. East Helena MT Mi cara arde cuando limpio con toallitas desmaquillantes neutrogena creo que est mal que vendan productos as. Even the ones for Sensitive Skin didnt work. I try a new product and if hated my skin! add me please. One use two days ago and my face is a mess just like on my trip. I also have used the towelettes multiple times before. These wipes have always irritated my skin, leaving it dry, red, and itchy. I noticed irritation the burning sensation and redness from the product when removing my makeup! In the post, a woman named Jaimie Potts laments what she says a very popular drugstore beauty product, Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes, allegedly did to her daughter's skin. Instead, the company chose to omit essential facts, putting profits ahead of its consumers health and financial interest. RC 23-009 - IBSA - Tirosint - NYC - Consumer. According to the suit, these products are labeled with claims that theyre ophthalmologist tested, dermatologist tested, allergy tested and [g]entle enough to use around sensitive eye area, even for contact lens wearers. Such statements, the suit says, have led the reasonable consumer to believe the makeup removers are approved by professionals and are free of allergens. Goodrich also said she isn't aware of any recent formulation changes, but that it will certainly part of the comprehensive investigation. "Contact Dermatitis." I have red bumps all around my eyes, my skin is so itchy / sore and my face is starting to peel. I could barely see out past my swollen eyelids and nothing could be applied to my burning face. Neutrogena is sure making a lot of products that burn us. Will never buy again. I have what feels like burns all around my eyes. Rash and itch continued down my face, continued using wipes. The Neutrogena claims are similar to 2016 rumors about baby wipes, and as with similar rumors about baby diapers and wipes, it is virtually impossible to attribute any single reported reaction to a single topical product used on anyone's skin, infant or adult. This happened over a 2.5 years ago. This product BURNS my eyes and leaves my face on fire. Please download the PDF to view it: Download PDF. I quit using these because they would burn so bad and switched to the Walmart Equate ones which I havent had anymore problems! You must contact the February to June and still require medication to prevent itching and hopefully eliminate redness. Add me please. Ive purchased based these before and they burned. Information can be found through your local waste management services. Add me. Never using these again!!!!!! I thought that I was the only one. Lots of items can be recalled. While benzene is not an ingredient in any of our sunscreen products, it was detected in some samples of the impacted aerosol sunscreen finished products. How do we add to this list?? I never felt like it burned my skin, but around the time I had bought a double pack o developed a rash all over my neck & chest. Top Class Actionss website and social media posts use affiliate links. I have purchased these for my tween and she did complain about having a reaction to them. The company is known for being dermatologist recommended, and their product line includes skin care, cosmetics and sun care. Had experienced burning sensation on my eyelids, Please add me, Yes their neutrogena soap made my face it and dry out really bad. Add me to the list. Their ingredients are not clean, as they advertise them to be. I buy Neutrogena. I wondered why my skin broke out. Need sunscreen that's better suited for on-the-go? Please add me. After reading about the CALS, Im beginning to think these products are the root of this agonizing journey. Pattern continued down my neck, chest. sometimes the marks wouls stay for an gour or more. Please send me info. Burning, itching, scaly, swollen and irritated skin. However, customer complaints indicate the products do not live up to these advertisements and implications, the class action lawsuit says. Miserable experience! stay away from ALL there products. Since debuting the Class Products, Defendants have made no effort to conform the labeling to the known qualities and risks associated with use of the Class Products, the suit says, arguing Neutrogena is required by law to update the product labels with a warning statement. Add me, Ive purchase Neutrogena facial wipes and I had burning sensation on my face. Then I used it the next night and the burn worse. I could not wear makeup for days. So I was using a prescription strength cream and taking Allegra and Nasocort to combat the symptoms. NOPE!! My under eyelids were red after use, very sensitive to touch and began swelling after use. I bought the blue package and tossed them after the burning around my eyes. Waste of money. If underlying assumptions prove inaccurate or known or unknown risks or uncertainties materialize, actual results could vary materially from the expectations and projections of Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. and/or Johnson & Johnson. We are investigating the cause of this issue, which is limited to certain aerosol sunscreen products. Nature's Truth LLC. Who havent used Neutrogena Cleansing Towelettes. Add me to the list or tell me what I have to do. Add me, please. Please add me. Never know it was happening to more then just me. When a company announces a recall, market withdrawal, or safety alert, the FDA posts the company's announcement as a public service. I developed(and still have) a painful burn on my left eyelid and have been losing eyelashes as well. I used these wipes for my face. i used this because i thought it was safe. One doctor has come here weekly for a good couple of years & she saw how the rash progressed & prescribed me a steroid. Yes, I definitely had skin irritation and burning using their towelettes. On fire! I Have Purchased many of their products and had a reaction to the eyeliner to were both of my eye swelled. Now I know. Please add me. Initially filed on April 22 in Los Angeles County Superior Court, the amended suit found below was filed June 19 before being removed to federal court on July 16. Now im told to wait until new arrives in 2 months from now. You have so many choices when it comes to safe sunscreen. Used these on my 10 year old special needs daughter as a quick way to get dirt off of face and she ended up with bright red splotchy scaley skin. i also suffered burns on my skin from this product but thought it was my sensitive skin. Short . I wont ever use wipes again. Rambharose, Amber. I used the wipes, I had itching and blistering welps. I have experienced tingling and i thought that was normal. Thank you. I just used them two days ago and under my eye is burned and sore, its been hurting for 2 days now its so painful. Defendants were aware, knew, and were noticed that the Cleansing Towelettes created a substantial risk of skin irritation, rashes, burns, scarring, allergic reactions, disfigurement, and other injuries, the lawsuit alleges. Yep! I actually blistered. It also burned around my eyes. Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes are causing a number of severe allergic reactions. Exactly because of its advertised facts is why I purchased them. I thought they would take my complaint more seriously but i was very much shrugged off. I dont know what ingredient they changed in these wipes, but it feels like youre putting astringent on your face now. Please add me. I will never try anything ever again :(. I have used these for years. I experienced skin irritation, RC 23-013 - Nationwide - Ferrous Sulfate - NYC - Consumer. I went to generic brand of wipes and no problem. Not only does the towelettes cause Burns but so does the Neutrogena lash serum. I am going to the walk in clinic in the morning. I started googling looking at the couple of diffrent products I use and this came up I did not even think of the face wipe undoubtedly this is the problem, I have used no other new product. She didn't think twice, she said, when she spent the night at her sister-in-law's house on March 26 and borrowed her Neutrogena Oil-Free . The recalled sunscreen products are packaged in aerosol cans. I had to wear sunglasses at my job for literally four weeks I have pictures of my proof. Stinging, burning, inflamed skin once again but this time it was so bad I had to put ice cold washcloths on my face to stop the pain. I use these all the time. Went to doctor because I thought it was a allergic reaction to it, but was told it was little burn marks on my face and showed them what I used on my face. My name is Kandis and I bought the ones marked for sensitive skin and developed a burn under both eyes, skin peeling, red and very swollen. This has never happened to me. I forgot to add that Im going on a week of not using them and it is still red swollen and itchy! Happened to me anytime I use there wipes. The Neutrogena facial cleansing wipes class action lawsuit states Potts was financially injured by Neutrogena. Consumers should contact their physician or . Please add me. is a group of online professionals (designers, developers and writers) with years of experience in the legal industry. Miranda, Leticia. Thought I had been bit. I gave these wipes three separate tries. New York CNNBusiness . Causes burning on eyelids and around eyes. I used these and had burning and red marks on my face. that was why it stung to take off make up. F U Neutrogena for doing this to us, for intentionally hurting people and not giving a rats Azz about it you greedy fat corporate pigs! Its really sad that lawsuits are the only way to keep a corporation honest. She seeks damages on behalf of herself and a Class of similarly affected consumers. Had to throw them away because there was no way I could use them. I used a Neutrogena product and my skin was irritated. If you have the affected Neutrogena and Aveeno products at home, stop using them immediately and dispose of them according to your area's aerosol recycling policy. I thought this only happened to me! I have since stopped buying their products. Get class action lawsuit news sent to your inbox sign up for ClassAction.orgs newsletter here. Yes! Camp Lejeune residents now have the opportunity to claim compensation for harm suffered from contaminated water. The site is secure. Thanks, I too have experienced this same burning from neutrogena cleansing wipes, I have had numerous bad experiences, please add me. Per the suit, the above-listed Neutrogena products pose "a significant risk of harm" that's amplified by the defendant's alleged failure to disclose the material fact that the wipes and towelettes could cause an array of negative reactions and to instruct users to test a small amount of the products prior to full-on use. I have used several different Neutrogena products, including makeup remover wipes that are not as described or advertised. IT was so painful, possible even worse because I have eczema. Dry bumpy skin, will discontinue the use of this product immediately. I stopped buying the product after each use I received a rash! Used it a couple more times and it was still like that. status of any class action settlement claim. Add me too please. Figured out the cause after 2 days. Please add me to this lawsuit. I have pictures. Add me please. 5 min read. add me to this too. All Rights Reserved. Consumers should stop using these specific products and appropriately discard them. Add me please! What can she use to help her face? Please add me to the list! Jan. 31, 2023. Please follow your local disposal procedure for aerosol products. Please add. Add me please.. Same here, my face and neck all full of some kind of skin reaccin. Im so happy to see this. But the neutrogena wipes burned like HELL! Please contact me. Chemical burns on my eyelids! Something needs to be done as this is not ok. Add me. Please add me. Karmas a bitch, Neutrogena! I used the Neutrogena HydroBoost wipes last night for the first time, and woke up today with an intense burning rash all over my face/neck/chest. I too used these wipes for about 7 years now & recently it burns when I use them & its left scaley skin on my lids & around my eyes making any wrinkle look deeper & destroying my self confidence. During visit to my physician yesterday I indicated and showed her the very rough dry area on one side of my nose. wow!!! I will no longer use their products. Please add me! I used these religiously because they seem to be the wipes with the most moisture which I prefer before I cleanse. Please add me. Ad me. "In regard to the Neutrogena wipes, it's difficult to tell from the photo whether these were hives or eczema. I have purchased numerous creams to stop the peeling, redness and burning! My eyes and face were burning so bad i felt like my skin was on fire. The ingredients list is not very much different from products made by competitors, such asAveenoor Olay. The caption accompanies two photos: One of the package of face wipes, and another showing what looks like a very uncomfortable rash on Alyssa's chin, neck, and chest. settlement administrator or your attorney for any updates regarding Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts, Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts, Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts, Archive for Recalls, Market Withdrawals & Safety Alerts, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. Issues Voluntary Recall of Specific NEUTROGENA and AVEENO Aerosol Sunscreen Products Due to the Presence of Benzene, Recent Recalled Product Photos on FDA's Flickr Photostream. Actions does not process claims and we cannot advise you on the On July 14, the FDA announced that Johnson&Johnson, the parent company of Neutrogena, had issued recalls for four Neutrogena aerosol . Ive had a lot irritation from using them, especially being a contact wearer. Last evening my face was burning after I used them and again tonight. I used theses as well and, I had no idea this was even happening! Intensifying her concern is the FDA's 2020 finding that six sunscreen ingredients avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene, homosalate, octisalate, and octinoxate were absorbed through the skin . Please add my name to the list. I have 2 packs of the same product to remove my makeup with. Thanks. )- two days ago I finished unpacking the toiletries bag, used the Nutrogena wipe again and my eyes were swollen yesterday and my face is more swollen today! Customizable exfoliation right at your hands. Chemical sensitivity at its finest. Felt very irritated for at least minimum 2 hours maximum lasted about 6 hours. Ultra-Soft Makeup Remover Wipes for Waterproof Makeup; Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes Fragrance Free; Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes; Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes-Night Calming; Deep Clean Oil-Free Makeup Remover Cleansing Wipes; Deep Clean Purifying Micellar Cleansing Towelettes; and. Required fields are marked *. She complained about a burning sensation to her face and neck area. And diary everything I ate and wore. By signing up, you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. I have also experienced burning & a rash. My face is dry and very rough to the touch. Please add me. Neutrogena products have given me rashes too. While Supplies Last; . My skin became very red and irritated. . Add me. Possibly allergic. Purchased specifically Neutrogena face towelettes because of the fact my daughter and I have sensitive skin. What Are Blackheads Made Of, and WTF Comes Out When You Extract Them? I actually had to miss some work because it was so burnt. I have to wash it off my face to stop the burning and apply aloe. Humans around the world have daily exposures indoors and outdoors from multiple sources. I have severe facial burns from using these makeup wipes. Enjoy low warehouse prices on name-brand Past Recall Notices products. I am going to my dermatologist because nothing is helping it. I started to watch. It does not necessarily mean there is a 'bad batch,' although that certainly could be the case, but this would be [rarer].". User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and I liked them so Ive bought another box. Based on this understanding, she recounts that she purchased multiple Neutrogena cleansing towelette products for her daughter. "We went on their website and TONS of reviews of the same reaction! It feels like multiple little stye like bumps along where the lashes attach to the eyelid. I had been using the towelettes for makeup removal. I bought mine at Ulta. My eyes are on fire could hardly open my eyes. Add me. Please add me it would burn around my eyes. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Now I use the simple wipes and they work well. I have used the Neutrogena wipes many times. I used them but it burned. I have photos of this. P.O. Corrado Rizzi is the Senior Managing Editor of Beyond the statements made directly on the products label and advertisements, consumers rely on the the reputation of Neutrogena to understand the products as safe. Symptoms only active at night and in the morning. Well I made that mistake, my cheeks, chin, neck and part of my forehead were burning like I had a chemical peel, essentially thats exactly what it was. Yes I had a skin irritation & a rash on 2 separate occasions. Add me!!! Carol Goodrich, director of global media relations for Neutrogena's parent company, Johnson & Johnson, provided the following statement in response to Allure's inquiry for this story: "We are deeply concerned about recent Neutrogena Makeup Remover Wipes complaints and ask that if consumers experience an adverse reaction, please call us at 1-800-582-4048 or send us a DM @Neutrogena immediately as we gather more details and get answers. I know what is going in it. 20 August 2012. Consumers may contact the JJCI Consumer Care Center 24/7 with questions or to request a refund by calling 1-800-458-1673. I have experienced my skin burning, a rash & my skin peeling with using Neutrogena facial cleansing wipes. Almost lost my vision. Yes I used the face wipes and my eyes was red and swollen within minutes of using them. Due to the use of these wipes i have chemical burns on my eyes. Conagra Brands, Inc. Had a eye reaction burning n flaky skin. We were led to believe that they were safe for her sensitive skin. Had to go the doctor and was prescribed Silvadene for the burns above my brow and and under my eye. Add me,thanks!!! I have a very serious chemical burn on my face. My face turned red and I had a burning sensation. I also used Neutrogena fragrance free facial cleanser which made it even worse. please add me to this thank you i have used them., Neutrogena Class Action Lawsuit Says Cleansing Towelettes Cause Burns, April 27, 2023 | Roundup Class Action Investigations, April 27, 2023 | Personal Injury Investigations, Roundup users may develop cancer, including non-Hodgkins lymphoma, Nursing home neglect and elder abuse lawsuit claim review. I stopped using them. Neutrogena Helioplex Technology provides superior broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection that remains effective even under the harsh sun. I couldnt understand why the labels say dermatologist recommended, allergy tested etc.. administrator or law firm. ADD ME!! What a joke. I thought it was the makeup at first but after going to an allergist & testing my products I later found out its from the neutrogena makeup remover wipes. Thats absolutely eyes are burning after removing the makeup! Im still suffering from the reaction. Yes I had a experience with Neutrogena face wipes redness and itching. February 06, 2023. Thats when I knew it was the wipes. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Top Class Actions is a Proud Member of the American Bar Association, Various Trademarks held by their respective owners. I could not understand what it was I was reacting to! Potts is represented by John J. Nelson of Finkelstein & Krinsk LLP. Please add me. I had to switch to a different brand, then eventually to micellar water-based wipes. If you need help purchasing a product directly from Allure, go to our FAQ. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of I cant believe they had misprinted this important information! I was wondering why they irritated my skin. I returned home my face totally settled down (not using any face wipes!! It is important that people everywhere continue to take appropriate sun protection measures, including the continued use of alternative sunscreen. Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes & Face Wipes - 25ct. Yes please add me.Ive had stinging and burning irritation after using these. Purchased for my daughter. Our brand promise we will respond to every complaint as soon as we have more information to share." Please add me, I actually missed a day of work because my face was so red and burned. Please add me, I had to stop using the towelettes because they burned my eyes, This product made my skin burn when applied. I tried for about three days and threw the product away. I thought it was only happening to me. The complaint can be found below. I thought it was just me!! Add me please, I experienced severe stinging around my eyes from this product. Coppertone and . I agree I have obtained burns on my eyelids and rashes under my eyes and in places on my face after using this product. Particularly, Potts hones in on the assertion that the company omitted key information that the products can be harmful. Please add me too. I had burns, irritation, and swelling on my eyes. The lawsuit alleges, however, that many of those who have used Neutrogenas makeup-removing wipes and towelettes have experienced adverse reactions, such as irritation and discomfort, peeling, burning and temporary facial scarring. Add me to the list please. An amended class action complaint alleges the label claims put forth by Neutrogena that certain makeup removers are rigorously tested and ideal for use on even the most sensitive skin are misleading. Accessed 7 May 2018. swollen left eye, puffy skin, itchy and burning skin, fine bumps and chemical burn after trying the neutrogena grapefruit face wash. We have had nothing but problems with their skin care products. Please add my name. I have received skin irritation in using these Neutrogena products. Nov. 5, 2021 7:39 a.m. PT. Please add me to the list, thank you. I use these in my eyes were severely burned I had flaking skin on my eyelids they were puffy and wrinkly for over a month it took me in after a month I went to an eye doctor and he prescribed me the correct medication to use and then I use the makeup wipes to gang so I didnt know it was from them and then it happened again and I realized that that was what it was from. Have pictures of progress, taken to show dermatologist stages. Its been over 2.5 years still healing cuz of how bad it was I was using their wipes and products for my acne and ended up burning the right side of my face. I actually got them to pay for my Doctor on Demand bill after my eyes became so swollen and raw. Follow up visit to dermatologist this week. Glamour. I as well have chemical burns on my eye lids and had to go to urgent care. I have photos. The case alleges Neutrogena was not only aware of reports that its makeup removers were causing harmful skin reactions but sought information directly from users who said theyd had bad experiences with the products. My daughter also had irritation on her cheeks that were red and inflamed for several hours. Yes! 1995 - 2023 by Snopes Media Group Inc. Have purchased and I too had the burning sensation around my eyes area, The face moisturizer is one I do purchase and have been for 20+ Years. I had no idea there were so many others experiencing this let alone a class action lawsuit! Theres generally nothing you need to do to sign up for or join a class action lawsuit. Cottonelle Flushable Wipes 10 PK #1205611. Back to Top. I have also experienced burning and irritation from the facial wipes. Burning started immediately after use and has left severe burns under my eyes and eyelids. Well update this page with any new developments. I have pics of my face after using. After buying and returning makeup for 3 months, because eyes were burned from makeup remover towlettes and old dry mascara pulled eyelashes out, eyeliner bad caused eye infections, creams old, etc etc walgreens admits all make up and I mean all makeup is old and dry. Purchased wipes and they burn and sting eyelids. Add me to your list. 4586. Please get ahold of me . Add me please. I recently purchased the grapefruit wipes and on the first use my skin started burning intensely, especially around my eyes. Thank you. Neutrogena customers have filed a class action lawsuit against the beauty company, saying that a range of Neutrogena cleansing towelette products can cause burns.

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